EDITEL offers a global range of services and supports a wide array of communication protocols (x12, x400, AS2, AS4, OFTP, etc.), ensuring seamless communication for exporting transactions and transferring data to affiliated international companies.
Message types
Here are the most commonly used message types in the DIY and HEPAC industry:
- Purchase orders (ORDERS)
- Despatch advices (DESADV)
- Invoices (INVOIC)
- Receipt advices (RECADV)
- Inventory reports (INVRPT)
- Sales data (SLSRPT)
- Delivery orders (INSDES)
- Transport instructions (IFTMIN)
- Announcements of return (RETANN)
- Instructions for return (RETINS)
- Delivery call-off (DELFOR)
- Payment order (PAYMUL)
- Credit advices (CREMUL)