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Robot technology in the automotive industry - EDITEL SK as a member of the Automotive Industry Association SR

EDITEL SK is now a
member of ZAP SR

EDITEL SK is now a full member of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic. Upcoming developments such as e-mobility, digitalization, autonomous management, and the reduction of CO2 emissions translate into new challenges. The same is true i.e. for global invoicing in the field of EDI.

EDITEL SK is now a member of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic

We are pleased to announce that EDITEL SK is now a full member of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (ZAP SR). "Our main goal is to shape the future economic development in such a way to ensure that priorities, tendencies and competitiveness in the Slovak manufacturing industry are aligned with global economic events. We are happy to welcome our new member EDITEL, an international service provider in the field of Electronic Data Interchange that specializes in supply chain processes and related services for clients in all industries, including the automotive sector," said Viktor Marušák, manufacturers and subcontractors division at ZAP SR. Mr. Marušák added: "In recent years, EDITEL has been very active in the automotive sector and ZAP SR membership is the next logical step. Upcoming developments such as e-mobility, digitalization, autonomous management, and the reduction of CO2 emissions translate into new challenges for the automotive industry. The same is true i.e. for global invoicing in the field of EDI. We believe that EDITEL’s expertise and experience on the CEE market will be a great asset for ZAP SR."

"This step opens up many new possibilities for growth and digitalization in the automotive industry. EDI is a key component of successful automotive manufacturing processes that focus on automated processing. With a single flexible platform, we can communicate with our business partners, monitor the flow of exchanged documents, speed up the production cycle and ultimately ensure smooth and transparent JIT (just-in-time) or JIS (just-in-sequence) operations," said Štefan Sádovský, CEO of EDITEL SK.

About ZAP SR

The Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (ZAP SR) is a voluntary association of legal entities (such as businesses, cooperatives, and other entities) that work in the automotive industry. It was established on 22 June 1993 in Bánovce nad Bebravou when the founding agreement was signed by 14 organizations. As of today, the association unites 161 legal entities, maintains multiple domestic and international contacts, and cooperates with other like-minded associations.

iStockphoto copyright RainerPlendl

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